The Michigan Business Directory is a free listing of businesses with websites and is categorized first by
profession, then by city. Add your business to our growing list.
The Michigan Business Directory is much more than just a
listing of websites for Michigan businesses. It lists all of the important contact information
for each Michigan business including phone, fax, website address, as well as the site description.
Each of the listings is categorized by type of profession, and each listing has a link where
visitors can write a review, rate the site or even notify the webmaster that the site is no
longer functional.
This business directory also allows the visitor to add a premium listing. This affords them the
opportunity to place their business in the top position for a low yearly fee. The directory has
a full search function that automatically places the premium listings first, followed by the
normal listings. Visitors can search listings from any page on the site, and the results are
rated according to keyword relevance.
The Michigan Business Directory operates a pay-per-click program which will allow business owners
to bid on specific keywords or phrases. This will be in addition to the premium listings option,
already available.
We now offer a low cost advertising alternative for your business website. Pay-Per-Click
advertising is the absolute best way to give your website more exposure. You simply bid on a
keyword or phrase that best describes your business. When someone clicks through to your
website from the resultant search, you bid amount is deducted from your account. Funds are
deducted from your account only when a visitor reaches your site from this Directory. For more
information, please visit our Advertising Options Page.